This week we are putting the finishing touches to the hillside garden design we started at the end of last year. The brisk weather experienced over the last week is certainly a contrast to the hot days we spent here over summer!
The slats have been installed, the garden has been mulched and the final plant out is almost done now. It is pleasing to see all of the elements of the garden come together in a unified design.
It’s a great spot up here with spectacular views out over Christchurch and Pegasus Bay beyond. However, it is exposed to the wind. The block and slat fence will help to break up the wind, as well as giving some privacy from the street front without creating an intimidating façade. Most importantly, the dog is now free to roam within the property without the owner having to worry where it is!
The use of predominantly native plants was a requirement for this garden design. Natives were selected for their hardiness, need for low maintenance, to blend with other plants already established in the garden and the colour palette desired by the clients. Apart from the lawn area, the rest of the property is planted out, which will make the garden a place for the busy owners to relax rather than work.
Once they put some growth on, the mass plantings of natives will create a unified look to the garden. The clean lines and colour of the slats and the concrete block pillars echo the construction and colours of the house. The curving mow strip and feature block wall provide a bold visual link to the curves of the estuary and the bay beyond.
If you’re thinking of landscaping your hillside Christchurch property call us today.

Installing slats between concrete block pillars

Looking down the slat fence to the lawn and garden