With the decks on this hillside Christchurch property built, we’ve been onto laying a circular cobblestone paving area at the top of the section. Having all the pavers and associated material needed to construct the paving area craned in at the start of the job was certainly appreciated by our crew! It would have been a tough slog getting them in otherwise.
A stone wall forms the back of the paved area. A couple of Irish stonemasons who came out to work on the Christchurch rebuild have done a really great job here.
When the area is complete a curved timber seat will sweep around this wall, supported on steel brackets fixed into the concrete block wall behind the stone wall, but that is further down the track at the moment. Sitting up here out of the easterly, this will be a great place for relaxing and looking out over the city and to the mountains beyond.
A curving concrete edge forms the outside of the paved area, linking the stone wall with the recycled sleeper steps coming up from the deck. A gravel strip between the circular cobblestone paving and the concrete edge will flow into the upper terrace. This terrace will also be gravelled.
Together, the decks and cobblestone paving area will provide the client with plenty of usable outdoor living space in which to enjoy their home and property.
Getting this right on a hillside is a challenge, especially if the site is steep like this one. One positive about a steep site is that the views are usually uninterrupted!
If you’re thinking of landscaping your hillside Christchurch property call us today - 027-420-2466
